Free Money

Everyone likes free stuff, and for most people free money ranks at the top of the list. Who wouldn't like to get something for nothing? Still, usually this is easier said than done.

If we all could get money free, no one would work a job! Still, if you're willing to exercise some creativity and fly by the seat of your pants a little bit, there are some great opportunities out there which allow you to make a decent living for doing almost nothing.

One of the best free money deals out there is volunteering as a research subject. If you don't mind having strange medicines tested on you, you can make a lot of money for just hanging out in a hospital. Some of these tests are outpatient, but the really well-paying ones have you stay there for more than a week at a time. You can make hundreds or even thousands of dollars, get free room and board, and be paid to just chill out in a hospital bed. Things don't get much sweeter than that!

Filling out surveys is another almost free money opportunity. Like medical experiments, the opportunity depends a lot on where you live. If you happen to be located near a university or in a major city there will be survey taking and focus group opportunities galore. Even if you don't, however, you can probably get in on it over the Internet. Taking online surveys is really easy, and you can make a few bucks on it. Like many free money schemes, there isn't always a lot of cash in it, but you do get something for little or nothing.

Another great free money opportunity is being a secret shopper. A lot of people like this job because for them it doesn't feel like a good job at all. Basically, you get paid a small stipend to go into a store and buy stuff. You pay attention to how well they serve you, what kinds of things are happening in the store, and how well it is run in general. Then you report back to the store's owner or to some central company. I suppose it isn't technically free money – I mean you are being paid to investigate a store – but if you like shopping a lot it will feel like it! It's the sort of job you can do on a day out with your friends wandering around downtown. You get a free meal or some clothes and a little bit of spending cash besides!

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